
Bring It Back


10-17-2013, 02:35 AM

There was no one for him, that was much was clear. She wasn't meant for him. The woman standing before him wasn't meant for him. She and the woman could do so much better than him. They could find someone who wasn't a murderer; who they could take back to their family and not have to warn them that there was possibility that they could one day revert back to their killing ways. He would never find someone and frankly, he didn't give a fuck anymore. He didn't want anyone and he never would. He was content with living out the rest of his life on his own, with just Nickolai as his companion. The feline had stayed behind some, trying to avoid his much larger companion's wrath. The leopard was high up in the trees, somewhat shielded from the pounding rain, watching with a steady gaze as Demyan attempted to rip the woman to shreds. It was only when he ceased his efforts that Nickolai would decide to abandon his post in the tree, lithe form easily traversing the distance as he came to Demyan, smaller figure slipping between his forelimbs, circular skull turned in the direction of the woman.

Finished my dear? Now, while you are listening perhaps I can offer something the wrench neglected to give you; a purpose. A purpose? He had none. He was mindless killing machine that wandered the earth ripping anything with a pulse apart that crossed his path. It didn't get any simpler than that. A feline eyebrow would raise questioningly, golden gaze flickering up to his larger companion. Demyan spared a glance towards Nickolai before allowing his cyan eyes to flicker back to figure, bloodied jaws remaining shut, his silent acceptance of whatever she was saying. He would pretend to listen, but once she was done talking, he and Nickolai would be gone.

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