
Racing Stripes

Hunt seasonal - Kara


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-08-2022, 11:09 PM

He had been stalking a lone zebra for the better part of the morning. He knew these wild equines were normally in insanely large herds, but it appeared that this one had been unlucky enough to have been left behind. The herd seemed to have moved on, likely migrated elsewhere when the faux autumn bubbles cropped up. He could see why it had confused some of the creatures in the lands. This wasn't their normal migratation season, but nature had a way of doing things and throwing the world off balance. Similar to the Long Nights, the Autumn bubbles that had cropped up were...strange. But the confusion of the prey animals worked to his advantage. He hadn't hunted a zebra in years, and it was mostly due to the fact they were difficult to hunt when there were always tons of them together, often alerting and protecting each other. But this? This would be easier to deal with. He could focus on one without losing track of it. Before, he often had trouble keeping track of one when all their stripes seemed to blend together and confuse the hell out of him.

The lands here were almost barren, though there were shrubs and sparse vegetation along with the Dragon's Blood Tree's that dotted the land. He tried to stay in cover as much as possible, moving from one tree to the next as he kept his senses alert for the whereabouts of the lone zebra, listening as it called out for its herd and the stamp of its hooves as it slowly trudged along in search of them.

WC: 268/1,500


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