
After all this time

Banshee and Verity



6 Years
12-09-2022, 01:59 AM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2022, 02:08 AM by Banshee. Edited 1 time in total.)

Their reunion took a turn when news of a seemingly lost pup made it to them. Banshee happily accompanied Sirius to the Gulley to collect his daughter. The entire situation made her glad Verity wasn't as adventurous, yet. She knew there was a mischievous spark in her daughter and time would only tell how that blossoms. After a solid scolding from her father and determining she was unharmed Banshee had offered to call on Verity so she could meet Sirius and go play with Kite. This would give Seer and Ban their chance to actually talk and maybe she wanted to help cheer up the freshly discipline pup.

Banshee watched as Kite gnawed on the bone and a little smile swam across her lips. "I teethed on bones when my fangs came in." The little one reminded Ban of a younger version of herself. - Her attention was shifted to Sirius as a question was tossed her way. Banshee took a moment to think on the inquire before responding. "Honestly, it has been nice. Verity has already started healing lessons and seems to really enjoy her new home." A pause. "I did go to the former Armada lands to seek you out. When I found the territory unclaimed I made my way to Ashen. Venom told me you moved and I made the decision to stay. I knew Ver would thrive in that environment and she does." Her decision was purely based on that of her daughter. If it weren't for Verity Ban would have immediately made the trip to Armada. Her daughter was in no way a fighter or innately ambitious. She was a small thing focused on learning more about nature and with Armada being an militant environment Banshee thought Ashen would serve Verity more, and it does.

A few moments passed as she pondered the entire situation, her jaws parted to speak but the sound of pad falls swept her attention elsewhere. A smile moved across her lips as her daughter made her way to them. Relief washed over the young Mother to see her daughter was seemingly unbothered and unharmed. "Come come."

She hurried the pup with a tiny swish of her tail. Ban looked to Sirius, flashing a grin, then back to her daughter. "Verity, this is Sirius and his daughter Kite." Ban gestured to the duo with a front paw. "Sirius and Kite, this is my daughter Verity." Warmth welled in her chest as she realized at one point she never thought this day would come. To introduce her dear daughter to the male who had single handedly saved her life and raised her proper.

After introductions Banshee turned her attention to the younglings, "You two may go play." A pause as she turned on mother bear mode. "Do not venture too far and stay out of trouble. If anything happens, howl." Banshee took a moment to sternly look at Verity but then also at Kite. After a good moment, allowing Sirius to get his piece in if he wanted, Ban smiled. "Run along."


[Image: Banshee-icon.png][Image: Cairn-Icon.png][Image: incubus-icon.png][Image: rhysand-icon.png][Image: thyri-icon.png][Image: Vaella-icon.png][Image: verity-icon.png]