
Making Tea 101

Incubus Tea


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
12-09-2022, 12:52 PM
Seere’s warning about stretching is answered and the fact that Incubus calls her a ma’am has the girl giggling happily.  Heading inside, she pulls out the ceramic teapot she has brought for him and he talks about how he has never used one. Looking up to catch his eye, the girl offers a smile and says, “They're not that difficult to get the hang of. I promise.” She sets about getting the small fire set up and places a metal grate over it so that the pan of water can rest on it. As the water begins to heat up, she returns to her satchel to withdraw a small wire ball shaped cage.

Incubus thanks her and Seere looks up, catching his pink and blue gaze with her own mismatched eyes and offers the male a bright smile, saying, “Of course! Everything I will be using, I will leave for you. So, don’t hesitate to ask any questions. Okay?” His talk of becoming a brewing fiend has her giggling madly and her tail wags happily. She hopes he really does like making tea because she herself finds great joy in it. His question has her returning her focus to the task and she says, “Once it boils, we pour it into the pot. But first…”

Voice trails off as she presents the round cage, the thin wire catching the firelight and causing it shine. Seere explains what the clamp like ball is, “This is what we put the herbs in. See, you put them in this so you can control how long they steep in the water for. While you can leave certain things in the whole time, these will get more bitter the longer they stay in the water.” A nod is offered as she pulls out a small piece of cloth, unfolding it to reveal the contents to Incubus. They are leaves of the herbs she gave him earlier.

Taking one of the big leaves and three of the small ones, Seere places them inside the cage before removing the top of the teapot and setting it on the ground. Placing the ball on the bottom, she makes sure that the small chain attached to it hangs out and over the lip of the pot and says, “See this? You just pull on it to take out the wire cage. Saves your paws from burns.” Holding up one of her small paws, the girl wiggles her toes and giggles before moving back to the pot of water.

Finding it is at a rolling boil, she gentle takes the handle and expertly pours the contents over the leaves in the pot. Steam raises as Seere places the hot pot onto the earthen floor so she can replace the teapot’s lid. Looking to Incubus, the girl seats herself and says, “Now we wait! We need to let the water do its work for about ten minutes.” Gaze flicks down to the pot before returning to the male. Posture relaxed, a happy smile on her lips, tail wagging lazily the girl asks, “So! How do you like Ashen? Are you related to Venom?” Head cocks to the side as she remembers him, introducing himself as a Klein, just like her aunt Venom.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.