
Play It Again



Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
12-09-2022, 04:31 PM
Stolas was always a little nervous whenever he did any prophetic readings for wolves using the celestial heavens as his guide, dreading that they might find him strange or his methods weird and fanciful. But Fiametta continued to surprise and delight him by not only giving him the open air to teach his lesson and read her stars, but by also showing her own enthusiasm and interest in what he was saying. Fia explained how she didn't have many friends, so having some new wolves in her life might be interesting, and how she was hoping to move into her own den with her birthday this season. "That sounds like a fun change!" he agreed with an affirming nod and bright eyes. "I just recently got my own room in the family palace, and I can assure you the privacy is nice. It makes me feel... mature, I suppose." Stolas hoped that Fia didn't think he was trying to flex on her by mentioning his family's opulent dwellings or anything. He just had a hard time relating to many others because of his family's prominence and wealth, but he was trying his best.

With confirmations given that he wasn't entirely off base with his readings of the stars, Stolas felt emboldened and empowered in his studies. Turned out that astrology wasn't all nonsense and hokum after all! What other prophecies could he garner from the sea of dazzling lights, he wondered? Fia rolled onto her belly once more, bringing their bodies closer together which also did not bother Stolas in the least. After all, he wasn't a stranger to physical touch, no matter how negative his initial experiences with it had been with Widow. The fire-marked girl complimented his knowledge of his passions, and once more Stolas' face warmed as dark ears folded back to his head with a bashful smile. "Well, I don't know about more than you or anything like that, I'm just... really passionate about the stars, I guess. When I'm interested in something, I want to give it my all. If it's worth learning, it's worth giving all of your efforts too." Stolas looked away from where his paw was lying on his grimoire to look up at Fia then, tilting his head curiously. "What sort of things do you like to do with your time, Fia?"
