
CRUNCH, Go The Leaves

Viscera Fighting Seasonal



Advanced Fighter (95)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
12-10-2022, 02:47 AM

The fae turned to face him, a cry of indignation at his intrusion quick to fly from her maw. His grin only widened, daring her to challenge him on it. She hesitated for a moment before deciding he would need to defeat her in battle before he would be allowed to resume his crunching and stomping. He shrugged heavily, unopposed to the challenge, and paused to hear her out as she stipulated that he would need to avoid drawing blood or maiming her. "I won't bite if you won't," he rumbled, striped banner wagging at his hocks. Long talons hooked into the leaf litter and sunk into the dirt, already seeking to bury them to avoid harm to his opponent. She dropped heavily onto the ground, a playful bow where her tail arced high over her hips and wagged furiously.

Pallid limbs folded, dropping his bulk until his chest brushed the ground and his forelimbs stretched out ahead of him. He curled his long talons into the dirt again, fangs bared in a loose snarl with no malice behind it. Mismatched eyes narrowed as he wagged his own tail in response. Making use of his grip on the dirt below, he lunged forward. The giant sought to use his height and bulk to his advantage, and potentially gain the upper hand by simply stepping over her. He lifted those long forelegs up off the ground, stretched apart, seeking to bring them back down on either side of the petite fae. From there, he wouldn't have to work hard to pin her if he could simply lay down right on top of her. It was a tactic he loved to use against Ichor, since his tiny twin was usually too agile and quick to get a proper hit on. A good smoosh worked just as well as any other kind of hit.

((WC 1297/1500))

”Speech” ’Thought’