
she always tries, truth or lie



4 Years
Extra large
10-17-2013, 03:17 AM

He couldn't remember the last time he had eaten, but he was sure that it had been several days ago. The titan need to constantly feed in order to keep himself in maximum shape, so it wasn't strange for him to be hungry all the time and this occasion was no exception. Though instead of ravaging the carcass like he usually did, the behemoth had allowed his companion to take for herself what she wished before he himself had taken to the meat. Granted, he had been a lot cleaner this time during his meal. He usually didn't care if he ended up splattered with blood all over the place, but he didn't want to appear like the brute that he surely appeared to look like. Although he wasn't usually one to care much for the opinions of others, he didn't want to scare Paradise away. She was the first wolf to talk to him since having arrived in the strange land and he felt something for the nymph. Just what exactly he couldn't say, but he enjoyed her company and wanted to keep her around for as long he could.

She would giggle at his words, the sound melodic and tinkling, like a chime in its nature. Such a delicate sound; it was fitting to her. She would break the contact between their gazes to direct her own towards the earth, simultaneously lifting herself to close the distance between them. The titan would use his forelimbs to push the carcass aside until it was no longer sitting between them, leaving only about a paw step of distance between them. She would begin to groom herself and the titan would take no notice, his mind wandering back to the past. It was during his reminiscing that Paradise would do the unexpected. She would reach over to him, like it was the most natural thing in the world, her delicate salmon tongue swiping over his massive chest to cleanse it of the impurities from his meal only to return to her own grooming, seemingly unaware of what she had done until moments later. Conan would freeze, his memories of the past dissolving immediately as ruby gaze would tilt downwards to meet her own sheepish emerald one. Why had she done that? The touch was to tender, so affectionate...he hadn't felt something like that in quite some time...The behemoth stood frozen in his spot, unable to tear his gaze away from Paradise, unable to form any kind of coherent reaction. What was he supposed to do?

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