
Maybe I'm just selling a lie, a villain in disguise



12-10-2022, 08:10 PM

The woman was proving to be an intriguing one. Alaois kept his blue-green gaze focused on her, ears perked forward to catch every bit of her voice. She said she’d be a fool to deny an advantage, and though the first move was an advantage to the one who made it, Ala was not worried. Even if he were to lose to the woman he would not make this an easy match for her. If her words were anything to go by, she had no intentions of letting him have an easy win either. Perfect, then the stage was set and they were ready to take each other on. Alaois let his ears fall back to protect them from any coming bites, as well as prepared some of his other defenses.

He widened his stance, his weight evenly distributed across his legs. He raised his hackles, lowering his head to align with his spine while his tail raised to do the same. His tail would be able to aid in balance while he would focus on what attacks he could land with his jaws. He narrowed his eyes, ready for her to come. She would have this move, and, with it, she would set their field of battle. It was a spar, but the gentleman hoped she might not mind just a little blood. If only he knew the sort of woman she was in her background.

He knew he was heavier and taller than she was, so he expected swift attacks. She broke into a sprint, aiming to close the distance between them. Ala let her come, digging his claws past the leaves and into the soil beneath. He'd need to be mindful of them - moving on the leaves could be risky. A compromise to his balance. So he'd wait for her to get close.

As she neared, Alaois curled towards her, reading her feint as she attempted to slip past his front and aim for his back leg. Her fangs found purchase, blood welling up from the bite, but while she moved, his jaws were moving toward her hunch to chomp down. While she seemed to be attempting to bite and run, he hoped with his attempt to latch onto her and force her to stay in close quarters. He anchored himself down as he did so, letting his weight fall across his limbs, but would he manage to get ahold of the woman before she put distance between them once more?

Word Count: 1,787

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Alaois vs Thyri for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over One Year (Two Years)
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Defensive Battle Accessory: Melanistic puma cape
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Hunter