
hand in the cookie jar

for Medusa!



Intermediate Fighter (40)

Novice Navigator (20)

4 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Overachiever
12-10-2022, 08:28 PM
D i m o s t h e n e s

Hell, Dimosthenes was hungry. He was no skilled hunter, and there had been a significant lack of easy prey or carcasses to scavenge from. He'd hadn't eaten properly in... days? weeks? It depended on how you defined "properly". Did a squirrel count? His always light frame had become even scrawnier, until his bones were visible where his fur was thinner. It was annoying and painful, and Dime was about ready to make it stop. He was out looking for something, anything to eat that might fill his belly, traveling further than he usually would to do so.

Eventually he came upon a large, flat plain that seemed like it might offer the salvation he was looking for. The sun glowed on his spine as he kept moving, looking around every few seconds and taking more sniffs of the air. There was the scent of a pack, though he was not so close as to be trespassing yet. He made his way to the river and took long gulps of water. Licking his lips, he contemplated waiting here until something came. Everything needed water; therefore, this would be a good hunting spot. He even sat down, settling in for the wait.

His stomach rumbled loudly, as if to ask who he was kidding. He had never been the type to wait... for anything, really. If he wanted food, he was not going to sit around and hope it dropped into his lap. That was much too much chance for his liking -- and maybe that was why he wasn't a good hunter -- so he got up.

A pack would have food, wouldn't it? And maybe, if he asked nicely -- or stole skillfully enough -- he could eat the food. That seemed a much better prospect than waiting. And so, Dime made his merry way towards the scent of the pack and kept going, fully aware that he was trespassing but without a care in the world about what might happen to him. He was a reckless, impulsive man. He never quite understood the danger of a thing until he experienced it personally. And he'd never known much of the ways of packs either. He was going in blind, just hoping that wouldn't be how he left.
