
Do you believe in a higher power?

Bellaorche Pups



Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
12-11-2022, 10:06 PM

As his siblings gathered in for the lesson their mother wanted to give and she started thanking them for coming, he did a little glance around and realized they were still missing one sibling out of the bunch and their father. That didn't seem to stop their mother from continuing on so he didn't let it distract him too much either. The question she started the whole thing out with, asking if they had thought about where they came from and why they were the way they were, made Dorian blink with a bit of confusion. Didn't they come from her and dad? Didn't they get their looks and stuff from them too? As she went on he started to realize what she was asking as a bit bigger than all that and wasn't about just them specifically, but that idea was so big and broad it was really hard to really picture just how big and all encompassing that was. As she started to explain who the Allmother and Allfather were and how they had created everything, Dorian tried his best to focus in on what she was teaching the same way he did with the healing lessons he got from his dad sometimes, but there was a lot of big concepts that were a little more difficult to follow than when his father was talking about how to make a certain poultice and what it did.

He mostly was able to picture Celeste and Nox as they were described to them. A pale female with blue eyes and a dark male with ghosty eyes. That was easy enough. But how did two wolves create the world and everything on it? The more logical side of how his brain tended to work was having a hard time with that side of things, but he didn't doubt his mother for a moment. If this was something she said was true, then surely it was, right? The longer the lesson went on and as she started to talk about things like the wings that their father had gotten from the Allmother and the balance of everything, his attention started to wane and wander, his emerald gaze occasionally drifting away from her face before he realized that he had missed a small part here or there and his attention would snap back to what she was telling them. At some point he glanced over to Haydée beside him and noticed that she was having the same problem as he was and he tried his best to bite back a little grin as he leaned toward her a bit, reaching over sneakily to poke at her side. He snickered quietly and gave her a smirk before he made himself look back to his mom again, right as she opened it up for questions.

He didn't really know what to ask, but apparently some of their other siblings did and he glanced toward Alexander when he asked if those of them that hadn't ended up with mutations might get some from Celeste later. In a way he was curious about that too, but it also made him glance down at himself, wondering if it was a bad thing that he hadn't gotten anything like that. Did that mean that the Allmother didn't like him as much? But their mother didn't have any mutations either, right? At least not like their dad did. Almost in the same theme as his thoughts, Corbin asked if it was possible to ask the Allmother for some wings like their father and Dorian brought his gaze back up to their mother curiously. He didn't really have any questions of his own just yet, but he did want to know the answers to his brother's questions.

"Dorian Kedieo"