

Manea ♡



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
12-11-2022, 11:31 PM
Irilyth hobbled her way out of the medical den once she was sure Alastor had left. She hadn't dared to get back up again when he was around, not after the violence he'd done onto her as punishment for disobeying him and daring to defy an alpha of Elysium. She had already pissed him off enough for one day, she knew better than to test her luck against the giant volatile dire wolf. So she had laid on the cold cave floor, her body sore and aching all over, battered, bruised, and bloody, until she was sure he had moved on with his day. Only then did the little golden fae lift herself back up with a great deal of strain and stumble over to her medicine stores. She downed a number of decoctions, mainly of silphium and meadowsweet to deal with the after effects, and then began to carry herself out to the lake to get herself cleaned up.

Making her way through the pine forest down to Alias Lake was a feat of immense strength on behalf of the dainty lady. Alastor had done a number on her; her body was covered in bite marks and scratches from his sharp claws. She clasped her tail over her hindquarters, hoping to obscure some of what the Commander had done to her until she could cleanse herself of the evidence. Least of all, she didn't want Manea to see her in such a state. She knew the Matriarch had left her punishment in the paws of her husband, but even then she suspected Manea might not approve of Alastor's choice of discipline. Still, she couldn't bring herself to regret what she had done. Yes, she had disobeyed pack laws and refused a direct order from her alphas, but she had done so out of obligation to her patient. She had protected Relm and her privacy and that was what mattered. Limping over to the placid waters of the lake, Iri waded in until the cool water rose up to her knees, then she began to bathe the remnants of dried blood and Alastor's scent from her fur.

"Manea" & "Irilyth"