
vincere aut mori

deathbelle <3



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
12-12-2022, 08:47 PM

Incubus was back to being a cog in the Empires wheelhouse. He spent a good amount of time working on himself. Not only for the betterment of Ashen but primarily for personal improvement. For years the male spent his days lounging or roaming. Finding a temporary home with intentions of finding a few babes to bed or get into some trouble. But, his life lacked meaning as a loner. Having been born into some a prominent and involved family he knew he wasn't living up to his potential. For a while he was okay with that but not anymore. His primary goal as of now was to work his way up the ranks in Ashen, slowly. He wanted to ensure his moves were thought out and with meaning. Incubus was slow to commit and didn't want to dive into anything without thinking it through first.

Commitment issues were his primary flaw. This flaw was what kept him from his family for so long. He feared calling on his Mother and reuiniting just for him to get cold paws and leave again. Usually Incubus cared little for the fragility of other's feelings but this was his dear Mother. He knew she had suffered so much with losing his Father to his own commitment issues and losing her first husband to an untimely death. Incubus didn't want to feel responsible for anymore pain the old lass may endure. But, he knew he couldn't wait too long. Deathbelle was growing old and he did want to develop a relationship with her before anything horrible happened.

The inky male sat at the bottom of one of the rolling hills near a few small trees. They provided a nice amount of blockage from the sun. After some time of watching the landscape Incubus tilted his head upward and let forth a call for his dear Mother, hoping she was close enough to hear.

[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]