
Love I Was Wounded For You


10-17-2013, 05:03 AM

Ooc// sorry I'm struggling to switch back into nice guy mode D:

He had always enjoyed making people think when he spoke, whether it was by saying absolute nonsense that made them question themselves or saying things with double meaning it meant little to him. And it seemed he got his desired result as she gave him a strange look, trying to figure out if he had a big head or if he was a nice guy. Okay well he had a bit of both, he would be the first to admit that but she didn't need to know that right away! Plus, if she knew that she might not have flashed such a stunning smile his way...

He wasn't oblivious to her tension and made sure to move slowly, muscles relaxed and gaze on the water as he moved. He could still see her in his peripherals but once she relaxed he didn't worry as much. Chnrik wondered briefly why she was so jumpy, if something had happened to her in the past? Not that that was something to ask a lady on the first date but it was something that crossed his mind. Her words brought a throaty chuckle from the male, eyes flittering over to look at her. "Yes I suppose you could but I asked first," he said easily, winking before he returned to leaping up the water. Soon enough she answered his question and he found it to be rather simple and easy. Wanted to get away, he could understand that much... Golden crown would lift as he arched his neck around to study her as she worked to put her fur back in order. Didn't mind his company? Well that was good enough reason for him to stay. But his name! Once again he chuckled and he tipped his head so he gave her an almost shocked look as if she should already know. "Why Madame! I can't believe you didn't recognize me! I'm Prince Charming after all," he said as he turned so he was facing her, dropping down into a low bow by folding one leg beneath him and stretching the other out across the rock. Hopefully she had a sense of humour...

Lifting himself he would smile slightly and come around so he was sitting a bit off from her just in case she decided to attack. "But in all seriousness I'm Cynrik Sovari, though most just call me Cyn or Charming... I'm from Sercia, what about yourself?" Might as well make sure she at least thought he was semi competent. She looked much prettier now that she was groomed and her fur wasn't sticking everywhere though he still stood by the fact that she had still looked pretty fetching when he had first seen her all fluffed up. If that was her worst look then it was pretty damn good. He didn't fluff up when he got wet then shoot, he simply looked like a drowned rat, fur hanging in clumps and mats rather then dryin out nicely. He didn't have a dense undercoat like his older siblings, more just had a fluffy and thick undercoat.
