
all washed up



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

1 Year
Extra large
12-14-2022, 04:38 PM (This post was last modified: 12-14-2022, 04:39 PM by Rhyme. Edited 1 time in total.)

The sound of the ocean waves ebbing and flowing surrounded Rhyme and his consciousness. Rocking him gently into wakefulness from a dream of black memory. The tropical sun warmed his wet fur, though the autumn chill would keep him from returning to his sleep. A groan filled his lungs as his bleary eyes blinked open. His mouth was dry and crusted in salt, just as his nose and his dark fur. Sand filled every crevice and his muscles ached and screamed. Another groan left him as he gathered his paws beneath him and shook as he pushed his body from the sand.

Alarm raced through his veins as he focused on the land around him. He didn’t recognize anything, he knew nothing. What was his name? Where had he come from? Why was he here? The thought was interrupted as he suddenly started coughing up the saltwater still lodged within his lungs. He hung his head as he struggled to recover from what he could only assume was nearly drowning in the ocean.

Rhyme took in a huge breath, finally regaining control of his breathing. He was finally able to lift his head and take a better look around. He didn’t recognize this beach at all, before he was able to get up blue and lavender eyes fell on something that didn’t belong. He didn’t know anything else, but he knew the body on the sand was Shaye, and he had to go to her. ”Shaye!” He doubted himself and everything he was doing, but he knew who she was. ”Are you okay?” He spoke worriedly as he stumbled to her side.