
I never fell so hard in love

Magnus 1


10-17-2013, 06:06 AM

Magnus had been exploring the east, he had been told that this was okay as long as he didn't disappear for a long time. He had found this place, some springs. They were cleary hot. That was good, he could do with some heat. He wadded into the spring, the heat taking away bitter cold. He sighed, his body relaxing at the heat. He closed his eyes and sat down, the waters coming up to his neck. This was lovely, the heat was warming him to the bone, getting rid of the winter chill. He let his mind wander, and again, it wandered to Aurora. He had truly fallen for her, but how could he say it without sounding like a total moron? He started to play it over in his head "Aurora, this is hard for me to say this, but I am madly and deeply in love with you." God no it sounded so stupid. Ugh what would he do? He did love her, she turn him to jelly, even that sounded stupid. He sighed and adjusted him position. He open a dancing blue eyes to look around. The undergrowth concealed everything beyond it. He wasn't worried about getting lost. He would just follow his scent home. Speaking of home, he loved Ludicael. The mangrove, the kindness that the pack shared for each other. He sighed and closed his eyes. This rest was well deserved, it had been a busy time since he had joined. His muscles ached, the spring was taking away the strain, that had built up in them. He didn't sleep, he just let his mind wonder, again and again it came back to her.