
I dare you play your cards boy



12-14-2022, 11:28 PM

Nguruvilu had followed Medusa to the Dancefloor of the Gods, and there she pledged her loyalty to the woman. There were captives from Habari, the pack Medusa had conquered, present at that meeting, and Ruu was sure there were going to be some hard feelings about things, but her concern was not the negativity they would feel towards her for following a woman who kept their freedoms. Nuru could have stayed within Insomnia’s lands and familiarized herself with it, but she found herself restless, and she had decided the only way to remedy that situation was to leave the lands for a while, and go where her paws took her.

She was worried for Florian. He had stayed behind and allowed her to follow Medusa. But he wasn’t in a pack, like Claire, he was on his own… would he be alright? Perhaps she would have to make a trip to the North and check back in on him. But for now, she had made it to some greener part of the west. The grass was slowly browning in places, losing some of its life, but it still felt nicer than the drier areas… like the tar pits that Medusa had claimed for part of Insomnia’s territory.

There was plenty of larger game here, and Ruu hadn’t even realized that her stomach had started to rumble. Hmm, maybe she could make a kill and bring some back for the pups? Although… last time she had hunted a pronghorn the bastard had given her a run for her money, and she had help! Her blue gaze swept the landscape, and fortune seemed to smile on her in the form of another wolf. Nguruvilu approached cautiously, calling out to the woman who seemed to be watching the prey as well.

“Want to team up and take something down? I don’t know about you, but those pronghorns are looking pretty tasty to me.”

"Talk, 'Think.'