
Goodnight, Sleeptight, Don't let the dead bite



5 Years
10-17-2013, 07:14 AM

As Song approached the gathering of sister's, Novella nuzzled her sister in greeting as the older female then addressed Myth. Where the three white females took after their mother more in appearance, Myth was one of the few that had predominantly taken after Dutiron, whilst colourings and markings were a little different, it probably wouldn't have been too difficult for Song to guess who the small brown girl was, even without Symphony clarifying this.

Moving from Song's side now, Novella followed Symphony as she made her way over towards the injured Sol. Now a little bit of worry was rising within the young girl again, certainly not wishing to do something wrong and hurt Jupiter anymore. There was also that voice at the back of her mind reminding her she hadn't actually met Jupiter before though she had been upon her pack lands several times and met one of the woman's children. Suddenly she became aware of just how rude that could possibly be taken. It wasn't often the emotion crossed her, if it ever had before, but Novella certainly felt a little sheepish as she stopped in front of the Sol.

Novella was typically a fairly fearless creature, many had commented she had more than enough confidence and certainly made up for the quieter nature of some of her other siblings. Now however that had faded as Symphony gave out her instructions. Never had she had to tend to any kind of injury to another, and certainly never seen any wounds this serious. She was not a Medic, truth be told she had no idea what she was but she certainly didn't want to let Symphony or Jupiter down at this moment. Surely there was someone else who would have been a better choice though?

She hid those worries though, instead simply stepping forwards, although still with caution as she followed her orders, until Symphony was satisfied and began the next step at which point Novella stepped right out of her way. She didn't yet head back to Song and Myth however, staying put just in case there was something else Symphony needed her to do anything else. Only as the black female moved to help Jupiter did Novella make her way back to her other sisters, wishing to keep out of the way of the path knowing that the walk wasn't going to be an easy one for the Sol.