
What once was

Dusk ♥


The Hallows

Master Fighter (279)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years

Samhain 2022
12-15-2022, 06:21 AM

The moment that her father said they should have adventures all the time, it was as though a little exclamation point went off above the girl's head. Fiery eyes went wide and Dusks jaw dropped as she gasped in wonder. Adventures all the time?! Little tremors of excitement shot through the pup and soon she couldn't hide her joy. Behind her, Dusks tail began whipping back and forth faster than light and, being so small, her little rump didn't have a choice but to follow. Nothing in the whole world sounded better than exploring the world with her father.

As the conversation shifted into the wolves that once lived here, Dusk listened to her father speak. There had once been wolves here and they had apparently been friends. At being told that the alpha fell ill and had to leave, the obsidian pups lips pressed together in a hard line. Her father was alpha. Surely he would never get sick and leave. Nothing could beat her dad, she was sure of it. The thought scared her, however and she leaned against him even more, thankful when he pulled her closer. Every child liked to believe that their parents were invincible and Dusk was no different. She possessed the blind faith that her father could conquer anyone and anything.

Dusks thoughts were interrupted as Artorias asked what she'd learned from her fight with the caiman. The formerly serious expression vanished in an instant and the girl's maw split in a shit-eating grin. What had she learned? "They're faster than they look," she began, taking his question literally. "The underside is softer than the top. Me and Andy are a good team." The pups little nose wrinkled as she continued to look up at her dad. "Did you know that we killed it?" Shouldn't he be proud that she made her first kill? "It tried to eat us and I had to keep Andy safe." Dusk tilted her little head in question. Hadn't she done the right thing?

[Image: WlfCSL1.png]