
Lab Protocol


10-17-2013, 08:43 AM

Remembering his past was not something the young man particularly liked to do, mostly because hindsight is twenty twenty and he could see where he had made the dumbest mistakes. Of course life is all about learning, and he had been but a pup when he had gotten misplaced from his family, but it still bothered him to be sure. "I will tell you what I know, though it is little," Bringing his eyes back up to his king, he began his story of stupidity. The poor young wolf was much too hard on himself. "I lived with my family until I was a little over a year old. I had not seen my mother much during this time, so I cannot tell you of her. And as far as I remember Gargoyle was still leader of the pack. We had moved much during this period, and one day I was separated from them and never found my way back."

A hard look came onto his facial features. He hated that he had not succeeded in finding his family and he blamed himself and his inadequacies. "I have heard hide nor tail of them since and have been living as a rogue for the past few seasons." Crucible grimaced at the memories of those first few weeks and how difficult they had been, how hungry he had been. "But your queen had asked of Glaciem at the meeting, and I know slightly more of their activities from being in the area. I know that a wolf named Isardis is king and that he has many wolves under his jurisdiction. There is an air about the place now that told me it would be a terrible decision to get to close to that land, and my gut has not led me astray yet."

He hoped that the small amount of information he was able to provide would be helpful to his king. It was not a lot, but many often forgot that the boy was only a yearling and had not had a very long life of observation yet. "I'm sorry I cannot provide you with more." Unfortunately, Crucible often forgot his age as well. He was much more mature than the average yearling, especially after having to live on his own for some time. He hated his memory flaws and did not seem to realize that they came from his age rather than a detriment to his abilities.