
New Horizons




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
12-15-2022, 08:24 PM
She was continually bitching about the North, but she most definitely was still up there. Why? Well, she was curious, wanted to explore, and was bored. None of that would stop her from complaining to herself. It, at the end of the day, wasn't much different from a normal winter in the other regions of Boreas. It was just colder sooner, and even here was warmer than usual. Didn't stop the snow buildup, especially this far north. She did, however, finally come across something that piqued her curiosity quite a bit.

It was a human construction, she knew. She hadn't ever seen a human and wasn't even born when the humans left this land. In fact, there wasn't a wolf alive that had ever seen a human. The last of them were gone a couple generations ago, and would never return. But she'd heard of them. She'd almost call them a myth, but she'd seen the evidence of their existence time and time again. This was just another one of them, frozen deep into the land. She wasn't sure what it was, apart from human.

Movement caught her eye, as did a flash of color, and she turned to see.... a brilliantly pink wolf sniffing at the ground. She was quite pretty, actually, and very large - larger than Lyra, though not by much in regards to height only. Maybe just a hair taller. In width and substance though? Lyra was definitely dwarfed, and she eyed the pink girl curiously. "Well well well," she murmured quietly to herself. Wolves her size had become more common, but it still wasn't often she ran into a wolf bigger than her. "Well, hello," she called out quietly then, stepping forward to make herself more visible. The wolf had a dog with it, but neither appeared particularly aggressive.