
Making Tea 101

Incubus Tea



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
12-15-2022, 09:48 PM

Incubus was honestly glad to have Seere's company. Even if the girl was just doing her job he lacked friends and she offered enough idle chit chat to really help him feel social. It was easy for the male to go a few days without spending time with others. Perhaps he'd pass a pack mate here and there, offering small talk but nothing more. That wasn't to say he was upset by this, Incubus was reclusive by nature and liked his solitude most of the time. But, maybe one day he'd be able to make a few deeper connections to make things feel less lonely. For now, his half-niece teaching him to make tea was just fine. "I am glad to be back. All in all, I just want to be here for my family." Something his own Father never lived up to. "Thank you, Seere."

When she revealed who her father was Incubus offered a nod, it made sense. But, what came next puzzled him slightly. She had two fathers and a mother? Incubus did not express any of this confusion on his features, he didn't want to offend. How was that possible? Perhaps they were a throuple... He internally shrugged and allowed the information to settle. Incubus was not one to judge, especially since his parents were siblings. "Ah yes, you are my Half-Niece then." He scrunched up his nose, "I will just call you Niece though. Halves do not matter. Blood is blood." He was glad to see someone in the younger generation of their family doing so well for herself. She was an inspiration for all those of their blood to come.

The tea was finally almost done. Incubus watched as she took the herbs out and very carefully poured the hot tea into the bowl. He leaned down slightly to sniff but her sudden order to stop had his eyes go wide and caused the brute to freeze in place. Incubus straightened back up and raised a brow as she whipped out some honey. She poured it into his bowl and explained it was from her private stash. He offered a smile, "Thank you, again. You are likely one of the most generous Wolves I've met." Especially having been a loner for so long... Wolves were more likely to steal from you then to offer any of their own prized goods.

After she was done Incubus leaned down. He decided to first inhale the steam that was lifting from the tea and his mouth began to water from the scent. The honey mixed with the aromatic herbs was quite lovely. With that Inc took a few laps at the liquid, being careful to not burn his tongue. "Mmm..." Another sip. "That's delicious." He looked back up at the Apothaker, "Maybe I will became a tea connoisseur then." A chuckle was let forth before he took another few timid sips of the hot liquid. "The honey is a great touch."


[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]