
Enchant Me




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
12-16-2022, 03:11 AM

With her head leaned into Cerberus' chest and her dual toned eyes close, Ruse found it easy to relax and begin to settle into their bed so she could sleep. She was glad that she had managed to catch Cerb before he went out on his patrols and pack duties, even if it was just for a few hours. It was so much easier to relax and get to sleep when he was here than when she had to sleep on her own. She was just naturally more comfortable in the company of the ones she cared for than she was when she was alone. Sure, she got along alright on her own when she had to, but having someone else around definitely helped in a lot of ways. It was one of the reasons why she had continued to live with her mother and aunt even as all of her other siblings moved into their own spaces and began to branch out more and more from their parents. She liked staying close to her family even though she was fully capable of being on her own. It was far more out of preference than need.

Just as she started to relax and hover on the edge of sleep after her day of work, she felt Cerb's paws start to rub gently at her back and shoulders, making a little smile tug at her lips and a soft, sleepy hum escape her. She did enjoy whenever he gave her little affections or back rubs or anything of that sort, always eager for the attention and enjoying the focus that Cerberus put on her. It wasn't the first time that he had rubbed her back like this so it didn't surprise her, but when his paws started moving lower, rubbing over her lower back and hips, that did surprise her a bit. She didn't lift her head from his chest so she was easily able to hide her face, but the feeling of his roaming paws moving along her body made her cheeks flush a bit, the pink hue of her skin peeking through her pale fur, but thankfully hidden in the darkness of the night and the way her face was tucked away mostly out of his view. He was a little older than she was, but she was only a season away from being two herself so she certainly wasn't immune to the thoughts that kind of touch implied, but when it came from Cerberus she could hardly tell if it was entirely innocent or not.

She debated if she should do or say anything herself for a long moment, trying to untangle her own feelings first, but eventually she decided to lift her face from his russet, brindled chest and as she blinked open her eyes she peeked up at him curiously. His gaze was closed, at least at first, while her forelegs uncurled from her chest and slipped around his larger frame to hug herself to him a little more snugly. She waited to see if his eyes would open again and if they did she'd search curiously as she asked in a quiet whisper, "What are you thinking about?"

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"