
Show Me The Future


10-17-2013, 10:54 AM

The current state of the union seemed to be weighing heavily on Syrinx's mind, that or something else was darkening his countenance. Whatever it may be, it unsettled the King of Seracia ever so slightly. It was childish to be swayed in this way, he knew it, but there was no helping it. His conscience ripped at his innards, reminding him that he was a King and ought to act like it. Through all of this his face remained placid, unwavering - leaving no sign of the turmoil within. Syrinx was in need of soldiers, warriors for Valhalla's cause. The russet man had known this was coming, though he had resisted offering them when the messengers had come. His mind reeled, calling forward names and faces of those he might send - those he trusted to do their job and behave honorably. There was Bronze, Dragon, Rivaxorus, Destruction.. there were more but how many could he afford to send? Valhalla would be harbored here - those that didn't fight - and it wasn't wise to send off all of his defense to battle when he had precious lives to protect. Lives that weren't his to risk. Epiphron spoke first, vaguely letting on that they would help in whatever way they could. Maverick nodded, voiceless as he contemplated. Syrinx interjected then, noting that he merely needed footsoldiers while a larger task was attempted. Syrinx sought to dethrone Isardis. When he was through Maverick would speak his piece. ?We have three, perhaps more I can offer. I would send everyone capable but we will need to hold back some for the sake of safety. When the call goes up I will see to it they attend.? He paused, remembering something - a tie to Glaciem. ?I have a request of you, if it can be managed. There is a woman of Glaciem.. Keita. She sought safety here but one of the Glaciem dogs came and fetched her. Her memory haunts me. Should you take Glaciem, I would request she be allowed to live here - if she still wishes.? Of course it might be a lofty request to ask of a woman from a recently conquered pack, but Maverick truly wished he could have helped her sooner. Perhaps this would be a way to make up for not being able to protect her then.
