


10-17-2013, 11:58 AM

She hardly expected him to voice his affections, though she knew them to be true simply by the way he was acting. So as he said it she froze for a moment, wondering if she had merely imagined it or if he had truly said those three words. Alas, she knew her ears had not betrayed her, and a heavenly purr of recognition would bubble in her trachea. He would lower himself, forcing her toward the earth where she would happily settle in a laying position, head cradled beneath him still as he maneuvered. His canines closed over her muzzle, gripping it in such a manner that drove her absolutely wild. A snarl would seep from tightly closed jaws, slipping through the cracks and into the open air. The mere vocalization would be enough to affirm her approval of his dominating grip. All too soon it ended, as his coral tongue swiped across the same place where indentations of his teeth still remained yet to be filled in with blood and fluid. Head and neck would fold at an angle, turning back to catch a glimpse of his angelic form out of her right eye as he kissed her. Her own tongue would sweep out, hoping to catch his just once before falling back into place between the ivory bars that were her fangs. Moments like this made her wish he was entirely hers, body, soul, and mind, but she knew that would never be the case. Though his loyalties never left her completely, they were spread far too thin. He would never be completely hers, though that didn't mean she would ever stop trying to make him so.
