
all washed up



1 Year
Extra large
12-17-2022, 05:50 PM (This post was last modified: 12-17-2022, 05:50 PM by Shaye. Edited 2 times in total.)
‘Shaye!’ The voice burst through her consciousness in a sudden flare of pain. It pulled her to the waking world, and suddenly her body had so much to say to her. Pain flared through her limbs, and the pounding of her head made her thoughts slow and sluggish.

She felt movement beside her as a wolf settled by her side. But the familiar scent of him kept her any sudden fear. Are you okay? The voice demanded, and she knew she needed to open her eyes. She just needed another moment. She was struggling to remember what had happened. What had led to her lying there, with sand beneath her body. She could feel a wave kissing her toes. She could guess some of what happened. Something to do with the ocean, a tragedy perhaps? A reason she was lying washed against the shore, feeling every ache in her body. She just needed to remember… to remember what, exactly? Her heart picked up as she realised just how little she remembered. Who was she? Who was she?? Shaye that familiar voice had called her Shaye, and as she thought it, the rightness settled into her. An identity. She found a relieved smile on her lips as she finally opened her eyes, and looked up at the worried wolf above her.

Who was he? “Rhyme” she said, before the thought had even fully formed. “Rhyme…. I know that name” she frowned, feeling the edge of a memory, but it fled her the moment she tried to grasp it. She lifted her head from the sand, but the movement was too sudden, and she groaned. Closing her eyes and swaying a moment. A frown forming between her brows. “What happened?” She asked, sure her companion would have the knowledge she was missing.
