
Lab Protocol


10-17-2013, 12:17 PM

A breeding factory? Crucible crinkled his nose at the thought. That's absurd! ...and gross. The young man couldn't possibly understand Isardis in the least at this point in his life. Sure he felt an attraction to women, but one woman would surely be enough...wouldn't it? These were thoughts for a later time and date though for King Maverick was moving on.

"I have much I could teach you, but I need to know what you already know. Let's see your defenses, Crucible.?

Crucible almost chuckled thinking about what he already knew, but he kept the laugh inside his head for the moment. It was time to show off that superior intellect of his. He could make an ample guess at what defenses were necessary, but some things would only come with experience. First the young male would square his feet. Balance was surely a necessity for fighting. Then after a moment's hesitation he would tuck his tail. Crucible surely wouldn't want anyone to grab ahold of that during a fight. Taking a cue from when he was learning to hunt he placed his line of sight directly on King Maverick's chest. This was his center and it would make it much harder for the wolf, or prey as he had learned, to fake him out. Then just for kicks and giggles he threw on a 'menacing' looking face. Well, as menacing as one could be when they are only a year old. His lips drew back in a grimace and his ears flattened against his skull.

This was the position he held for his king to examine him. Surely this was semi-close... Of course, Crucible noted, that his timing was slow. Blast it all, his timing was slow. He had taken way too much time to get into this position and it would have cost him were this a real battle. The boy refused to understand that this was part of the learning process. If he had not done something perfectly he would be frustrated with himself. The boy did not recognize that this thought process would cost him in battle, his frustration and his dwelling on what should have been will make him even more of an underdog.