


10-17-2013, 12:28 PM

[Image: arC7pCx.jpg]

Fate had brought the man across te land. Fate had led his paws which carried his bodice to the pretty vixen. Others, there was more than one soul here. Kind souls, wretched souls, evil souls, jealous souls, they were all the same. this then made him wonder...what kind of soul was he? Perhaps a lost soul...for a lost young man. He was lost in life honestly. His mother dead now, brothers gone...but there was one significant figure, one wolf who he had to live for. She was the dame that kept his soul to this Earth. Finally coming closer to her destination felt like a fantasy, a dream.

Coming forward, Kairos was finally able to catch what the others were saying. A voice reached his ears as they perked up. She would provoke Newt. She would talk of vengeance, Newt's revenge, her own self being a barricade in between. No, this couldn't go on any further , how foolish this conversation seemed. Kai could clearly see it was all a trap. To lure the pretty vixen in and to have her killed. Not to say that she couldn't win...but there was always a chance that she could.

Breaking through the bushes the male would appear, shake off the twigs and thorns from his fur did he do before he spoke. Looking up, his purple gaze settled on the four wolves that stood before him.

He didn't want to say anything that would embarrass the he would retaliate.

"So tell me...velvet dame, you came all this way just to lure this pretty vixen into a fight? You do not drop things from the past? You look backwards instead of forward..." he said in a sly tone

Walking forward to stand close enough to the grouping but just enough to give some space. His tail would flick casually behind him as the bastard's head would tilt slightly.

"You imply that she is a coward if she does not fight. And yet if she does not fight she ends up being the better dame in this situation. She would have the will to walk away from this. I bet this pretty vixen doesn't desire to waste her time in such skirmishes while she could be doing better things. And looking at you I suppose you should be back home fucking that orange dame. Your side already had your revenge..." he said as his voice deepened while he could only glare at the velvet dame.

"The first time I ever saw my father was the last as well. I watched him die by your mate's claws. Perhaps in some words he may have deserved it for some things he had done..but surely Hell would have eventually taken care of that. As you can see like me, I was just a product of his "fun times". as much as I hate being a product of rape I can surely point out that you have no business being here. You put salt in open wounds as you pry them open."

Turning towards NEwt he would speak again, words falling from his salmon tongue at a hurried pace.

"You're better than this, you're able to resist I'm sure. Don't let the devil tempt you...words can be deceiving when proposed in such a way. As I have said before you would be not a coward but the one with the stronger will. The one who would will walk away because you yourself know that you are no coward. You don't even deserve to get your paws dirty. You're done Newt. She can provoke you and plead all she wants but you're done with her and that orange bitch. As she has said before she desires to know if you will go...that is her desire, to give in would be feeding what she wants. You do not give others what they want, they give you what you are your own boss Newt, and that's why I admire you pretty vixen. So make the right decision that would benefit you." he would finally say.

Lips would close as Kairos would hope inside that she would make the right choice. He hoped that she would see that this impending skirmish was not worth it. Things were over and in the past, she was on her way forward. She would be foolish to let others such as this bitch and the other one pull her backwards. A casual sway of his tail was all that the bastard would do as he would wait for anyone to speak up. Looking over towards the large silver-like male Kairos would then look over at the other brown male. All seemed to be from Tortuga, this was good in case if something did happen. But even so if she would give in no one would be able to help her but herself.

If this was truly to be the end, and if god forbid this pretty vixen should lose Kairos would lose his ties to this world and float away into the universe. He would be nothing without her....all bt a bastard of a bastard. Kairos needed Newt...and maybe even...despite the fact that she may never admit it...she needed him...

I talk,
I think,
you speak"