
You Are What Is Important




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
12-18-2022, 01:19 AM

Manea could see the way that Ikigai was attempting to hide behind the slight smile that touched her lips, but she hadn't really expected anything else from the poised diplomat. She examined the torn lip and the bruising that peeked through the short, pale fur of her chin, her brows pulling together and expression darkening a touch as Ikigai tried to explain away his actions with the fact that Deimos had been drunk and upset at the time. If she hadn't already been sure that Alastor had done a number on her brother already she would have turned to do the same herself. She would still have a word with him, of course, but perhaps her husband had already taken the physical punishment side of things far enough. She'd have to see for herself she supposed.

When Ikigai pulled away Manea released her chin without issue, lowering her large paw once more. Before she could say anything, Ikgai added that Deimos had apologized and she paused for a moment, raising a brow with a hint of surprise. She knew her brothers and neither of them were what she would consider apologetic or kind. On more than one occasion she had known of or witnessed how they behaved with other females that they had been with and certainly experienced the way that they viewed others that weren't of their family or blood. Yes, Ikigai was someone of note and technically, for all intents and purposes, his mate so he should be treating her far better than any of the common whores he had kept around previously, but somehow it still surprised her a bit that he had apologized at least well enough for Ikigai to mention it.

"Well, that's a pleasant surprise at least," she replied after a beat with a sigh, a frown still tugging at her lips. She gave a small shake of her head and added, "There is no excusing what he did. I'm glad he at least understands that he has done you wrong—at least enough to apologize—but that doesn't mean he has an excuse worthy of hurting you." She glanced away for a moment, her ears flicking as she momentarily tried to find the right words before she told her, "I also wanted to apologize to you personally. I feel responsible for putting you in this situation to begin with and I should have refused any match for you that I couldn't with confidence know that you would be treated as you deserve. Clearly my warnings to Deimos did not fully sink in. Hopefully now he has learned his lesson."

Manea | Temno | Ciemny