
Where the Girl Is



Master Fighter (240)

Advanced Hunter (70)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Fail!Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-18-2022, 02:33 AM

Had he said too much? Not enough? He wasn't sure. He didn't realize he'd been holding his breath when he had finished speaking, waiting for Ardyn's verdict on whether he would be calling Valhalla home in the near future, or if he'd have to try his luck elsewhere. But then... “Then, welcome to Valhalla." His ears perked and the guarded hopefulness he'd been feeling was replaced with a quiet sense of relief when he heard those words. He exhaled quietly, realizing then that he'd been holding his breath in anticipation. I hope that, in time, you’ll find the ability to trust us as a new family of sorts. I hope to see you strive to rise through the ranks for the betterment of the pack and the wellbeing of Valhalla’s people. If there’s a higher rank you feel you can serve best in, pleas let me know. High ranks can be attained through hard work and dedication, and depending on how well you’ve proven yourself, they can be challenged for. But your record best reflect that it’s not merely for personal gain.”

He nodded in understanding, already the determination lit in his eyes. He too, hoped that Valhalla could finally be the place where he would find all that he wanted and needed. The trust. The stability. The place where he'd flourish. And hopefully...where his life would get better. He wouldn't sit idly by and just let things keep passing him by. He knew he had to put forth the effort, and so he would. "Thank you." He followed Ardyn into Valhalla's lands, listening intently to all of the information that was shared with him as he took in the sights. He had to admit, Valhalla's landscape and all that was behind the walls was impressive so far. Everything seemed...innovative. Like there was a purpose for everything here and not something that would just sit there forgotten to the ravages of time. As they reached what was likely the heart of the land, Ardyn turned to him with a question. Tyto thought for a moment, feeling a little overwhelmed with the options, as well as with the information, but he did his best to keep that from showing. "Er, I suppose a traditional den for least until I settle in. The only structure I've lived in outside of the ground was the ship up North, but even then I preferred the traditional den in the dirt." He supposed he probably wouldn't be opposed to a hut or something...though he knew it would be something to warm up to, first.


Tyto has an owl companion named Ven & a lynx companion named Nox. Assume they are with him at all times unless otherwise stated!