
Lab Protocol


10-17-2013, 01:34 PM

As his king went about telling him things to correct on his position, Crucible did each step right away. He had not thought of rolling his shoulders to protect his neck. That was an interesting concept, but it make sense to be sure. When the king tapped his nose though, Crucible cursed himself for his stupidity. Of course! How could he forget such a thing?! Finally he unlocked his knees. His balance greatly improved and he felt more ready to deflect an attack. Though the boy had to admit, the position itself was highly uncomfortable. He would have to practice this position not only for muscle memory, but also to strengthen muscles used here that were not used in his daily activities.

King Maverick then walked around him and faced him in his own defensive position. Curious, Crucible waited for him to say his intentions. "Attack me." What? His king wanted him to attack him? Oh hell no! But...that was sort of an order right? Yes, yes it was an order. Peace of mind at his next actions would seep into his skull. He wondered what his king was up to though, so he had to think, and think quickly, about his form of attack. He would not make the mistake of being to slow with his actions again.

The boy's logic led him to snap at the king's right leg, quick as a snake. He aimed to clamp down on it and swing his body around to slam his rump into the king's shoulder. This would hopefully knock King Maverick over when his weight spammed into his shoulder and his jaws took out one of his legs. Most of his weight was thrust into this motion, putting him off balance. However, if the boy were to miss, which he effectively had not thought about, he would swing himself around into nothing and most likely lose his balance and end up on his back. A poor move if there ever was one, but not bad for a youngster.