
Promises are all that drive us



"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
12-19-2022, 02:20 AM
Andy gazes up at her tall father, a questioning look in her pale eyes as she asks if she knows the story behind Briar’s scars. Truthfully, deep down, she already knows the answer but she needs to hear it from her dad. The man has been consumed with anger since the untimely passing of Zee and, while the passing has dredged up that feeling for them all, her dad seems to be stuck in it. She has a slight understanding of what he might be feelings since, after the wave of overwhelming grief, she too had felt that dark stirring of fury.

The worst had been the desire to lash out at those around her for something that had been beyond anyone’s control, to make them hurt like she did. However, she had not. Instead, the girl had sought to understand the root of emotion and find out why it was there. No one had taught Andy how to do this but it is innate and in her very being. So, she decided to follow through with the feeling, and in the end, she had found the cause; abandonment. Zee’s leaving had been so sudden and swift that there had been no room for goodbyes or talks about what was to come.

Because of that it is felt like her mother had abandoned her. It had been a bit of a struggle to comprehend that Zee had not intentionally left them but, when she did finally start to come to terms with that fact, the anger disappeared. Yet, Sirius seems stuck on that raw, primal rage that seems to follow death; going so far as to draw his energy to live from the powerful, yet toxic, feeling. But that is no way to live and, in his rage, he has even forgotten how to live. Perhaps that is why this whole situation hurts so much, because it feels like she didn’t just lose just one parent that day but both.

The snuggles had been harder to get and he has spent the majority of his time stalking around the castle with a dark cloud over his head. That is why, when he explains about how the scars came to be on her sister, Andy is not surprised. For a moment, after he finishes speaking, Andromeda just looks at him with deep, gut wrenching sorrow in her pale gaze. It is not just because he inflicted those wounds on her sister when she was young but also the fact he has used her full first name instead of her nickname.

With it, comes the feeling that he is building a wall between them. Gone is her strong, loving father who laughed and hugged, who chased away their fears and sheltered them from worry. Now, before he, stands a hollow version of the once might man and Andy finds herself hating it. Her shoulders slump, curling inward in an attempt to shield her heart from his anger and the hurt that comes with just being in his presence. Somewhere along the way, her pale blue eyes had drifted down to stare at his paws and she releases a sigh as she lifts her gaze to look up him.

As they meet his electric blues, there is a deep, painful sadness that boils within her gaze and, for a moment, she feels as if she is a world-weary soul that is far older than the girl’s mere months she has been alive. Choosing her words carefully, Andy begins, “You act as if mom had a choice, as if she could have not died. I hate how much you are angry and I hate that you cannot even talk about her. Since that day, I felt like I didn’t just lose mom but that I lost you too.” Straightening up, she sighs and adds, “The fact that you can’t be here, for us, hurts and I am sure Briar would say the same thing.”

A pointed look is given to him as the underlaying meaning hangs heavily between them, that the scars that the children will bare for their lives are both mental and physical. Giving a gentle shake of her head, Andromeda finishes her speech by saying, “You keep trying to blame mom for leaving yet you are missing time with your family. Somehow, I don’t think she would be happy with you.” It is a low blow but Andy hurts and her father acts as if his pain is the only thing that matters. Has he even checked in with his other children, her older siblings?

This time she gives her head a harder shake, disgust at him, at her mother, and the whole damn situation staining her features. Unable to stand it any longer, the lavender pup turns to leave, as hot tears burn tracks through her fur.

-exit Andromeda unless stopped-

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.