
Unfurl the Wings [Warrior Meeting]

Deadline is the 20th



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-19-2022, 03:10 AM

The stallion trotted through the woods clustered around the base of the hill. He was a little late, having been at the far fields watching over the herds, picking out animals that looked like they might not weather the winter well.

Isolde had met with Lyr, and borne the message for him to save the raven a little flying time, and soon Taliesyn was cantering toward the meeting.

He slowed and squeezed through the mouth of the ravine, carefully picking his way down and breathing a sigh of relief as the walls widened and ferns were no longer tickling his sides. Wangui eyed the mouth of the cave dubiously as it came into sight.

Taliesyn paused to study the cave entrance and its three natural steps, ears flicking in thought before he bent his knees and squashed his way through the tight entry. It was a struggle, and he was sure the clattering scrape of his hooves echoed well into the cave system to the keen ears of the wolves, but soon enough he was through and carefully stepping his way into the tunnel.

If he held his head low, his withers just barely brushed the ceiling of the cave, and soon enough he peered around the opening into the meeting room, surveying it before deciding there was enough room that he wouldn’t trample on any paws if he entered. Once the meeting was over, he’d be able to circle the “table” and leave.

He entered, glad the entry of this cave was wider than the main entry, and took a place toward the back of the cave, providing his own source of light as he nodded to the others, lips twitching in a small smile as Wangui grumbled, clambering her way back up his mane to his back from the ground where she’d hastily dropped as he’d entered.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think