
save me from this hell



Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (248)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
12-20-2022, 03:37 AM
Code © Skelle 2022 | Art © Fox 2022


It was a while before Widow woke up. Or at least it felt like a while. For all she knew, it had only been ten minutes. It had in fact been a while, however. Although she hadn't remembered it yet, she had given birth. And now someone was with her, but her senses were too clouded to realize it for a few very long minutes. Silver eyes blinked slowly as her vision came back, pupils dilated but shrinking with time until her world had mostly focused. She laid eerily still for a while though, even she wasn't sure if she was alive.

Once her vision was restored, or mostly, she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. Suddenly, silver eyes flashed over to see a familiar face laying next to her. Her first instinct was to growl. Why was Medusa so close? Then she noticed the small, wiggling life and she remembered. That was her child and Medusa was... nursing it?

Her features softened from the half-snarl she had formed and she took a heavy, much needed breath. If Medusa meant harm, she probably would've done it by now, right? Unless she was going to use her child against her. If she was nursing, it meant she had puppies somewhere too. Widow wasn't sure she could trust the woman with her pup, but she knew better than to make risky moves when the cards weren't in her favor. Not like she had the energy for the fight anyway. Instead, she just laid still and after a moment her silver eyes relaxed and closed, choosing to offer Medusa her trust considering her odds weren't great at the moment.

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PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022