
Lab Protocol


10-17-2013, 05:04 PM

Maverick was braced and ready, knowing that the boy might have a very different fighting style than he. Though this was all in fun and for training, he knew that injuries could and possibly would happen. So long as they were both careful everything would be alright. He watched, studying Crucible as he took a moment to decide and then launched his attack with surprising speed. The corner of Maverick's lip drew up in a half-smile as he felt Crucible's jaws snap shut on his leg - hard enough to make him feel it, but certainly not hard enough to deal lasting damage. With such a connection to Crucible, it was easy to detect his pivoting movement and counter it with one of his own. In a swift motion, slightly bent legs would pivot him in the same direction as Crucible (I'm guessing Crucible's swinging to his own left hoping to hit Maverick's right side?) . His captured leg remained where it was, twisting within Crucible's grasp, while the other three compensated the movement to evade the boy's intent of knocking the King off balance. At the same time as this movement of position, jaws would snare down and slightly to his own right in effort to firmly grasp the boy's scruff, while he also sought to move forward abruptly and without much indication in efforts to drive his powerful chest into Crucible's face/top of his head. The collision - unless avoided - was intended only to drive the boy back and away from Maverick's leg.
