
turn a bad boy into a believer



3 Years
12-20-2022, 10:53 PM

Gabriel lifted a brow slightly at Grimshaw’s surprising reply to his mentioning his fearlessness. So this meant..he had fears? He didn’t seem the type to be afraid - a bold, dark-pelted creature of muscle and power. Or maybe the pale angel-like man was a bit naïve in his assumptions of others, assuming their characteristics based on purely what they told him. Yet at the same time, he recognized that being mortal meant wolves were afraid of things - mainly, things they didn’t know or understand. He could wrap his head around the concept of fears, he supposed. In fact, he did feel pure fear during the demon’s massacre of his family. Maybe..even as a warrior, he could hold that fear close, as Grim did his own, to carve a new set of strengths from it. Make himself stronger. He had to build himself up again, seeing as he, too, was another mortal soul.

It was what made him a normal wolf, after all.

His assumptions on the man’s wishes to test his skills were not without a foundation. The Gladiator did, in fact, desire to have a spar - nothing dangerous, just to see where the angel-like man stood in terms of how he could hold his ground. As he allowed his weight to spread evenly in his limbs, sword at the ready like he was taught, he realized the sand had a purpose - the location the dark-furred man had picked was intentional. A spray of dense sand particles was a quick but effective way to blindside an opponent. Even without sand where he used to live, Gabriel was used to sprays of snow and ice meant to distract for a sharp offensive. Compared to this spar, the ones he had with his siblings were brutal.

The Gladiator approached on firm pawsteps, carrying himself with a build similar to his own - agile yet dangerous. The spray of sand as his opponent abruptly stopped in his tracks forced him to blink, stifling a cough, but he managed to quickly swing his hind end back and away from Grimshaw as he felt his body approach his side, parallel to him. His front end followed, so he essentially skidded to shift his position to face the man head-on, rather than leave his side exposed for an attack. His combst skills were merciless, direct, and he was taught to never leave himself open for an attack, especially from the side or behind. Such an attack would already give him a losing edge.

Gabriel’s offensive would approach with the most direct - maybe even surprisingly so - movement, springing into a leap with the flat part of his sword aiming to clash against the Gladiator’s smaller knife, aiming to use his neck strength to push forward the man’s knife - and subsequently Grim’s whole head, towards the sand. Throwing off his balance was a simple attack of his own - would it work? Maybe not. But he didn’t shy away. He didn’t dance around, no. It was clear he had done this many, many times before.

Gabriel vs Grimshaw for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Gold, Double-Edged Sword
Defensive Battle Accessory: Santa Coat
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Intellectual
