


10-17-2013, 05:21 PM

In a flash three arrived, and a smile would pull at the corners of his lips. Pontifex came first, asking a rather ominous question. Then came Bronze, and finally Themisto. Themisto spoke the most, letting them know that Gideon was claimed by Glaciem. "It is my understanding that Gideon is now free, another offered herself for his freedom." Though that didn't make the future any brighter. Themisto then told them that he had promised to fight alongside Valhalla, inciting a growl from the King. "And if I had requested you stay?" came the nearly combative tones, but he quickly adjusted his temper. "Yes, we are at war. I am in need of a few of you to go with Syrinx back to Valhalla to prepare for battle. Will the three of you march on behalf of Seracia?" He trusted these three to do the kingdom's justice and to behave honorably, even if Themisto had acted - and promised - out of turn. He turned then to his uncle, a bit of fire still in his tone. "See to it everyone comes back in one piece, and that your loyalties don't waver." Allies or not, Themisto was under Seracian reign, and he'd do well to remember that. Finally he addressed the group once more. "Should you accept you will not have long to remain here, do only what you must and then prepare to leave at sunset with Syrinx, he will see to it that you are all given ranks of high esteem and taken care of." With that, he would fall silent to let them speak if they needed to.


ooc; ya'll post in the Valhallan thread as per Lu's request click