
If you're good we'll get a toy after

Ikigai, Malico, Mariah, Alastor



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
12-21-2022, 03:41 AM

Malico is… bored. The first few weeks of the pup’s life have been much of the same which, to fair, was necessary. However, the urge to see what is out there, beyond the entrance to the family den, has become a relentless gnawing at the back of the boy’s mind until he thinks he might burst from it. However, today is the day that the pups world will expand and, despite his parents’ worry, nothing can seem to dampen the boy’s spirit. As mom learns down toward him, Mal returns the nuzzle with affection and offers her a broad smile.

Turquoise eyes watch his parents, interest tugging at his features as mom announces that they are going to visit their Aunt Ikigai. The intricacies of family dynamics are lost on the pup but there is one thing that he does understand in that sentence; go. Go implies movement which is the opposite of stay! Eagerly rolling up onto his paws, Mal gives his coat a good, hard shake so that he is presentable for this ‘Aunt Ikigai’ and almost sends himself careening into the ground.

However, he manages to keep himself from falling over and quickly moves to join his family. Truthfully, Malico doesn’t know that there is anything wrong with him and, even if he did, he has nothing to compare it against. Sounds are slightly muffled and he has to watch others lips when they talk so he doesn’t miss words but the boy thinks that is normal. Eyes are wide with wonder as they leave the safety of the family den and the pups bracketed by their parents as they all make their way out into the world.

The walk isn’t long, much to boy’s disappointment but, when they cross the threshold into a new den (dang it), the boy has a newfound determination to explore every inch of the world outside. Mom pats the furs that she moves to sit on and despite the internal groan that sounds through the boy, Mal swiftly moves to sit with her. Excitement rolls off Malico and he tries not to fidget too much as he wishes to be done and off exploring. But something else tugs at his mind, a word that mom had mentioned and something that the boy decides sounds incredibly unfun.

Looking up at her, Mal asks, “What is a check-up?” Hopefully, whatever it is will be done soon and he and Mariah can get on to the fun stuff.

"Malico Mendacium"