
Working together




Master Fighter (265)

Expert Intellectual (150)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-21-2022, 11:26 AM
After so much effort and work Albion felt satisfied in his effort. A job well done with company he enjoyed, and they still had a half a day to spend with one another. So far Albi was completely uncertain about the relationship he was supposed to develop with Avacyn. She wasn’t sparse with her hints, the easy way she leaned into his shoulder and offered him affectionate kisses opened the door for him to return them. His attention was mostly occupied by her presence, the warmth of her fur against his, the subtle sweet scent of her pelt, and the loving mischievous glances she offered up to him.

He gulped down another bite as Avacyn spoke again, thanking him for his help. Though he wasn’t certain if the gratitude was for the shack, or his presence here in Elysium. She curled her tail around him, which brought the corners of his lips back into a smirk. Albion returned the affection, his own long white tail flashing across her dark hip. "Satisfaction of a job well done.” He rumbled in return as he watched her sensual eating. He gave her a little smirk as he finished eating his own lunch, hungrier after the work that they did.

Avacyn slipped one of her feline paws around his leg as they finished the meal they shared, she leaned into him a bit more heavily and he felt himself relax against her. He could feel her shift and look up at him his own glass blue eyes fell to her dark shadow gaze. Avacy questioned him softly, if there was anything he could be doing, what would that be? The charming answer was to just say what they were doing right now, sitting here snuggled up to her. He wanted to give her the truth though. "I’d be out adventuring with Cerberus and Scylla.” He answered her quietly, sighing heavily afterward. He shook his head carefully so as not to disturb Avacyn. "But being here like this with you is a close second.” He returned his attention to the lovely princess at his side. All of his attention, like she deserved.

"Albion Klein"