
Simple Wanderings

Zodiac I


3 Years
10-17-2013, 07:04 PM
All the things that we might've done wrong

We could've been doing this all along

The male had simply gone unnoticed due to the fact the scent hadn't been strong where she had crossed into this odd place, the rocks had made the hunt easy due to the fact they hidden her from the deer until Zodiac could get close enough to make a move and so she had bringing down a doe with her. The chase had been the easy part along with making a clean and swift kill being the warrior she was even more so brutally trained by that father of hers it was something that was natural these days. Often more then not past memories plagued her ravaged mind making sleep near impossible for her to endure, always waking up in the middle of the night lashing out blindly as her past dreams took control. Liet would have quite the time calming her down much less bringing her out of the vivid dream.

Those ears took note of someone approaching but Zodiac worried little as to whom it maybe no, it wouldn't of been Liet no doubt for she was where the stoic warrior had left her needing some alone time. Yet it would seem she would not be getting her wish that day. That now bloodied and once cream and white maw lifted only to turn those deep azure eyes to the white brute that proved to speak. "The herd must of been passing through here." A simple emotionless statement as she turned only to face the male wondering what he wanted from her.