
I knew you were t r o u b l e *

Zodiac I


3 Years
10-17-2013, 07:16 PM
All the things that we might've done wrong

We could've been doing this all along

An unhappy grunt and words soon left her sibling, causing the warrior to look back at her even as she went on about it happening more then once. "You know, your not helping your self in the matter; much less when you lie Liet." The warrior would speak softly for her yet at the same time she would scold her sibling for two things; trespassing and now lying. But alas Zodiac loved her sibling despite her more mischievous ways; what could she do? Liet simply was on Zodiac loved and quite deeply as far as being a sibling went then again Zodiac had to of course make things a bit difficult for her if not even tease her for them.

The defensive stance remained upon the women's form s her gaze drifted back to him once again; so he went from chasing them to inviting them to join his pack. That was different most would attack in an attempt to chase them out of their pack lands. A brow rose as she debated on answering, but first allowing that stance to shift to a more neutral one as her gaze would find it self on Liet as Zodiac was not standing beside her. "What do you want to do?" A simple question for her sibling, if she wanted to stay then Zodiac would as well but she wouldn't force joining them on her for they had little idea as to how these wolves were.