
Climbing up up up



6 Years
10-17-2013, 07:19 PM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2013, 07:21 PM by Azalea.)

The devil's spawn that stood before her was aware of her approach instantly. She watched Azalea closely as she neared and then at the Valhallan's offer of help she stood tall and defiant. "No, I can do it myself!" Azalea gave her an uncertain look but took a step back to let the child try to work things out on her own. Azalea was much like the gal when she was a puppy, wanting to do things on her own. However she was softer spoken than this pup when she was that young.

Finally the pup jumped, yelping as she disappeared in the snow. Amber eyes grew wide and her heart jumped into her throat, burying her now into the snow to try and make sure the small wolf was in one piece. "I-I'll take that help now, please," A nose reached up, bumping her own and Azalea drew her head back sharply. There was hope for the Isardis child yet, at least she could accept help. "Sure thing, pipsqueak." There was a smile in her tone as she leaned down to grab the pup by the scruff and lifted her upwards, taking a few steps back to set the pup down where she had already worked down from walking. "I'm Azalea, what's your name?"

There was a playful tone in her voice, as there always was when it came to puppies. As she placed the pup down she gave her a good once over to be sure that she was in fact in one piece. Everything was in check, perhaps just a little soggier than before. "You should be more careful." She wanted to ask where the girl's mother was but at the same time it felt wrong. Azalea didn't want to make the pup feel small, incapable. Those were feelings she had always loathed as a child.

For the first time she felt a stirring in her belly but maybe it was in her head. She frowned and squirmed in place, not sure about the feelings that were rising in her now. Disgust but also something else, something more that had been awoken in helping the puppy out of the snow.
