
Down the Path of Least Resistance


12-23-2022, 12:17 AM
The wound on her hind leg was healing alright, but Sanna wasn't sold on the way it smelled. There was no telling what would attract predators, an idea that made her a bit sick to her stomach. She needed to find something to pack the rest of the bandage with, something to go between the layers that would hopefully prevent anyone from taking too much interest. Anyone, especially anyone dangerous. All the danger in Sanna rested below the surface, and that was inherently dangerous. Danger this, danger that. Spend your entire existence trying to avoid the danger so you can see another day.

Her head was loud as she made her way across Fern Gulley. The danger kept things exciting, interesting. Maybe it was the danger that had kept her alive. How was she supposed to feel alive if she wasn't reminded of that fact. Somewhat constantly reminded. Sanna could let it be loud in here, for now. Better they be loud than silent when she was on her own. Sanna would keep herself company.

The shifting of the wind brought the scent of another wolf. Alone, but not for long. A threat? Maybe. Could be a threat. Though Sanna was typically on high alert, the presence of a stranger would push it even higher. Nearly holding her breath as she tired to figure out just how far away he was, and stock still. It seemed he was taking the softly-beaten trail somewhere to the left, several yards off. Though Sanna pretended to still be looking through the herbs, she was wary of the stranger that lurked in the tall grass.
