
Nostalgic Daydreams




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
12-23-2022, 12:23 AM
Home. Or was it? She gazed upon the knolls with a mixture of emotions - sadness, bittersweet, contentment, curiosity, nostalgia. All of it swirled within her, along with glimpses of memories. Ghosts of the past flashed before her eyes; romping in the grass, cautiously greeting her grandfather, torturing her father. As an adult, she left. A lot. She knew her family understood; she never once felt animosity from them for her absences.... though she did wish she had returned sooner. The days slipped on by, seasons came and went, and a part of her held regret. She needed to confirm her father's whereabouts, whether that be six feet under or somewhere here in the lands. She was pretty sure it was the former, unless he too managed to live extra long like Valentine.

With a sigh, she bounded up one of the knolls, figuring it would be best to get a good vantage point. She wasn't sure why she came here, entirely, only that she felt drawn to come back. It wasn't surprising. She did every single time she returned to Boreas. She always came back here. It was one of her favourite places, and in particular she loved to just lounge on one of the taller knolls, sunbathing and watching the herds down below. Oftentimes, if she hung out in the same place long enough, the herds would become comfortable with her presence and would meander back in the general direction.

As she crested the top of the knoll, she paused, eyes sweeping over the knolls in front of her and between them. Her eyes settled on a shape at the top of another knoll not too far away, and she squinted at it. A wolf? Who? Curiously, she started down the other side of the knoll and cut through in betweens, careful not to pass directly under the other wolf. It was when she got a little closer that she froze, eyes widening as scents drifted on the light wind. Was that - could it - what? There's no way. Absolutely no freaking way. Once again, emotions roared within her and she found herself rocketing up the knoll to the side of the wolf. As she reached the top of the knoll, and could see the wolf clearly, her breath caught. "Ares?" she breathed, staring at her brother.

"Speech" "You"

art by rainbowglaze123