
undead friends arise to terrorize and plunder


Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
12-31-2022, 02:31 AM
Calico Jack loves to explore, often roaming further away from pack lands than he should and, because he does, the young pup often gets himself in… sticky situations because of it. Today, his small form worms it way through the thorny briar plants, growling in annoyance as they reach up to grab and pull out small tufts of his patchwork colored coat. Small grumbles sound from the thicket as he crawls along the ground, determined to explore this cursed place… even if it kills him. He throws caution to the wind (or more accurately, he just doesn’t think of it) as he goes, cursing up a storm without a thought of who might be listening.

A rather stubborn patch of brambles catches Jack’s coat and very loud, very squeaky, “FUCK” sounds from the sticker laden plants. Growling, he shoves his body forward, trying to unhook the damn thorns from his coat but finds that he in unable to move. Small birds scatter from their vine perches as he growls louder, shoving himself forward with more might until… with an undignified squeak, the patches of fur are ripped loose and, with nothing resisting him now, Cal is sent tumbling head over heels down and out of the briar patch.

Jack blinks his pale blue eyes up at the slightly cloudy sky from his place on his back, scowling at the bright sun as it seems to mock him. The birds that had been unseated from their hiding places twitter and tweet, laughing at the boy that has dared to take on their brambly home. Lifting his front legs skyward, the boy shouts at the birds, the sun, and every thorn that he had come into contact with, “FUCK YOU!” All the fight leaves his body and, with a huff, he gingerly rolls over to his belly, hissing as some of the thorns that have stayed behind poke painfully into his skin.

Once semi-upright, the boy spies another wolf close by and half-heartedly looks them over. With a sigh, he says, “I hate these things. Maybe, when I’m older, I’ll come back and burn them all down.” Snorting at the amusing thought, Jack sits up to scratch at the thorns that remain stuck in his coat. A series of, “Ow. Shit. Crap. FUCK.” Sound with each pass of his hind leg and he thinks about how much this place really sucks.

"Calico Jack"