
Bring It Back


10-17-2013, 08:52 PM

He could feel his old self coming back. The cocky murderer; the real Demyan. Not the self-loathing, pathetic bastard that he had been for the past two seasons. He needed to forget about her. He needed to move on. She obviously didn't care about him, so why should he care about her. He wasn't the type of man to care for anyone and he needed to stop with the idiocy. He was a murderer; there was no room for feelings. Nothing that wasn't the thrill of the kill and lust. Nothing else was acceptable.

The woman was smart enough not to get left behind, hurrying up to come up beside him, staying level with his left shoulder, clearly allowing him to take the lead. She probably should've been the one showing him where they were headed, but if she wanted to let him take the lead he didn't care. Audits would flicker in her direction as she asked what his name was. The titan would roll his eyes at her question; formalities. Demyan and Nickolai. He didn't bother to specify that Nickolai was the leopard trotting beside him. Nickolai peeked over at the silver woman from beneath Demyan's legs before continuing onward. She could figure it out on her own.

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