
Under the canopy



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
12-23-2022, 06:46 PM

The small girl is overjoyed to be outside the pack lands, exploring the world alongside her father and brother. Sure, picking herbs isn’t exactly something she is interested in but that doesn’t really matter because it means that she gets to be out here, spending time with them. As their father moves off to collect some herbs, Alexander proposes a truly fantastic idea in the form of a friendly fight. Of course, Haydée eagerly accepts, moving to face off with him.

As the days pass, her brother seems to grow taller and taller while she remains closer to the ground. Height isn’t a big deal to Haydée since her dad is short but she does know that some wolves may underestimate her based solely on her stature. Well, maybe not Alex but, you know, other wolves. Looking to Alexander, she lays down the stipulation about no headbutts and he easily agrees, stating what she knows happens afterward.

A giggle escapes and she gives a fierce nod before starting to prepare for the spar. She dips easily into a play bow, small paws stomp the ground in eager anticipation of the moments to come. Colorful leaves rustle and snap as she jitters forward excitedly before dancing back into her starting position. She tries to wait, she really does but the energy and happiness quickly become too much to hold inside. Giving a sharp, joy filled bark, Haydée launches forward and aims straight at her brother’s chest.

Kicking up leaves as she passes, her small form plows into his chest, sending the two pups tumbling head over heels through the leaves. Snaps and crackles of the fallen leaves sound out as their bodies pass over them causing the joyful girl to laugh with delight. Haydée feels her brother’s strong legs wrap around smaller body and she finds herself enjoying every moment in this fun-filled day. The girl does not care if she wins or loses, all she can think about is wishing that she can play with her brother and have fun for the rest of their lives.

Still, they are having a spar, so sharp, needle-like teeth strike out, aiming for his chest in the hopes of delivering some strong nibbles there. Haydée doesn’t want to hurt him but she does hopes that he might release her so that they can bounce through the crackling leaves… together.

Haydée vs Alexander for Puppy Spar!
Round 2/2
Age: Under 6 months
Size: Extra small
Build: Medium
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Advanced Intellectual

Total WC: 1,468/1500

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. Under the canopy Cryer's Ravine 12:13 AM, 11-27-2022 06:09 AM, 09-25-2023