
we all make mistakes..?



4 Years
10-17-2013, 09:19 PM

She had to give him credit, he was doing his best to preserve any dignity he had left. Which admittedly wasn?t much; she would not take it from him however. Her ears perked as he laughed, giving him a quick wink. She noted the way he observed her current state, the pups kicking against her and she suppressed a grimace. Sitting was a different matter when it came to her new size, her forelegs had to be splayed more than she was used too, it created an odd sort of imbalance that was hard to get used to, especially because she had continued growing in size at a rather constant rate for a while now.
She frowned slightly as he spoke again, his words were harder to understand this time though she did manage to catch their meaning a moment later. She chuckled looking away for a moment as if thinking of Glaciem summoned it just past the trees, back the way she had come. ?It?s not too bad in the late spring and summer but yes, it does tend to be kind of cold later in fall and winter. It would certainly be beneficial to have another body in the den on those really cold nights.? She winked at him, outwardly doing her best to exude confidence while inwardly she was berating herself for the comment. She hadn?t outright invited him but she knew that if he took it as such that there would be hell to pay? for both of them.
His answer to her question made her smirk, oh yes he was definitely flirting with her. The waggling of his brow made her chuckle. She rose to her paws and slide less than elegantly towards him, pushing her side into his, standing so that she was shoulder to shoulder with him. ?Like this?? She whispered into his ear before, turning around and moving around behind him, her body still pressed up against his before she stopped at his other side, her paws stopped about half way back from his head. She smirked and ran a paw up under his belly drawing it back his body stopping a little short of any more intimate contact. ?Or this?? She teased, chuckling.
