
You belong to me forever and always


10-17-2013, 09:44 PM

Soft laughter bubbled from her lips. Since when do you give a fuck what I want? His detached tones didn't match his harsh words. She felt the bunching on his muscles as he turned to find her gaze. She let him find it, coral pools mingling with amethyst one. I want revenge. Her amusement turned into something far more wicked. Now they were getting somewhere. "For what?" The temptress cooed softly to her little shadow. She would continue with her assault of gentleness, pulling him in closer, figuratively of course as she could not be any closer.

Limbs would continue to support her weight, leaving only her crown lowered. "What is this wolfs name, my little shadow?" She let his new nickname roll off her tongue in sultry tones, her salmon tongue snaking over to caress the curve of his ear. She knew so little about her shadow, it time to change that. It time to tie him to her in darkest of ways. He would never escape her grasp, unless she granted it to him, and even then she wanted to him to want to stay.

Audits stood attention, impatiently waiting for his answer so that her plans could start to fall into place. If she decided to help him, in exchange for a little something... Wicked things rolled about in her mind. His freedom. By holding what he so dearly wanted, she could mold him into the perfect killing machine. The perfect predator.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"