
Play It Again



Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
12-24-2022, 03:23 PM
Fiametta was a quiet and stoic sort of wolf, much more than any other wolf their age he had met, but Stolas didn't mind it one bit. His siblings were outgoing extroverts enough for him to handle in his daily life, so a part of him quite enjoyed the subdued and observant personality of the adolescent girl. It was easy to be with her and not feel any sort of social pressure to keep a conversation going or behave a certain way around her. Fia listened to him quietly, but was quick to pipe up with her suggestion that maybe he could help her discover some of her passions. Stolas' graphite eyes widened with surprise, but he was actually quite touched that she trusted him enough already to ask him to help her discover herself. A little bit of trepidation gripped his nervous heart, worried about what opening himself up again might mean risking after his spontaneous and passionate relationship with Widow had seemed to implode on itself. Was he ready to take that leap of faith again so soon?

Offering Fiametta a small smile, Stolas nodded his head. Yes, he would take that chance again. He'd learned some lessons from his past "friendship" and he knew better now. Once bitten, twice shy. But Fia wasn't asking for anything ludicrous—just a simple start to a friendship together. Surely that couldn't be harmful, right? He was greatly enjoying his time with her and had been looking forward to seeing her again after their last meeting, and he knew he would feel the same again after tonight. "I'd love to help you, Fia!" he replied, bushy tail wagging gently in the grass behind him. "I, uh, promise I won't be overbearing or obnoxious or anything." He still didn't know why Widow had suddenly disappeared or why she had chosen not to come see him again after the night they shared together, but the young lord could only assume he had done something wrong to push her away.

Despite the fun they were having, the crone of Fia's raven from overhead snapped their attention away and beckoned the Elysian wolf to return home. Stolas breathed a sigh as Fiametta confirmed his suspicions and relented with a reluctant nod. He really didn't want their night to end already, but he supposed he had kept her out late enough. "It is getting late," he agreed, but from the tone in his voice it was apparent he wasn't happy with the turn of events either. With a bit of a pout, Stolas closed his grimoire and slipped it back into his satchel, rising to his paws with a languid stretch before turning to face a smile toward the fire-marked girl once more. "I hope you had a good time tonight. I certainly had fun studying the stars with you. Maybe next time, we can try out some things you might like too?" Perhaps they could go hunt a predator, or do anything she really wanted to. Fia could plan the whole day for them if she wanted.
