
birdsong binary



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
12-25-2022, 04:30 AM
Lyra really was cursing herself. Every time, she found herself in a weird and unpleasant place. She absolutely did it to herself, though, and she knew it. It was what it was, but what it was sucked. At least, not too far, she could spot the center island. Unlike most days, today at the estuary actually had some sun shining through, and wasn't really misty. It was a rare occurrence, or so she was told, so she too advantage of it to explore a little more easily. Nose and ears first, but eyesight was still quite handy for her.

As she hopped onto the shore, her nose twitched. There's been a wolf here recently. And... A ram? With the wolf? No blood was on the wind so there definitely wasn't a kill. Curious but wary, she widely circled the tree until the other side was easily in view, and her eyes laid up on the ram in question, casually hanging out. She scanned the estuary briefly, only for her gaze to snap back to a figure slogging through the marshy ground towards the island.

The sight had Lyra frowning. There was something that caught her eye as she initially looked at him, but he was a bit too far away still to actually observe. Something was there, though, and she was going to check thoroughly. There was little doubt that Lyra hadn't been noticed, as she had been standing right there. So, might as well greet. "Well, hello," she called out, curiosity clear in her tone. ""So uh, the ram?" She wanted to eat it but couldn't. It irritated her, but she knew she couldn't deal with the horns alone.